> I will review 
> week unless another committer gets to it first.

I appreciate it Arpit!

> Thanks for your efforts to clean up the documentation. Unfortunately some
> fixes can get lost in the noise and this is true not just for documentation
> fixes, so thanks for bringing these to our attention.

I will do what I can do to improve this. Such as helping review process.

Masatake Iwasaki

(2014/01/22 3:22), Arpit Agarwal wrote:
I will review 
week unless another committer gets to it first.

Akira, could you please resend a list of your patches that need reviewing
if you have it handy.

Thanks for your efforts to clean up the documentation. Unfortunately some
fixes can get lost in the noise and this is true not just for documentation
fixes, so thanks for bringing these to our attention.


On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:47 PM, Akira AJISAKA

Hi All,

I wrote several patches for documentation
but most of them are not reviewed.

I want to improve not only the new features but also
the documents. I also think the documents are not
well maintained mainly because :

  * Deprecated commands and parameters still exist.
  * Undocumented command options exist.
  * There're a lot of dead links.

I'll be happy when the above problems are fixed for 2.4 release.
I'm waiting for your advices and reviews!

Thanks Masatake for this proposal.


(2014/01/21 9:03), Masatake Iwasaki wrote:
Hi developers,

I wrote a patch for Hadoop's site documentation and would like reviews.

Though I would like to fix documentation further,
there seems to be many open JIRA issues concerning documents.
I think the documents is not well maintained now
because the documentation work does not tend to get
enough attention of reviewers and commiters.

In order to impove the situation,
should I write Wiki pages rather than site documentation
or refactor whole documentation structure
in the way like HBase book (http://hbase.apache.org/book/book.html)?

I will appreciate your advices.

Masatake Iwasaki

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