I want to preface this response by saying that I have not contributed code
to Hadoop.

However, I have been interested in doing so and I can share some of my
research with those of you who are also interested in contributing.

First of all, check out these links for information on how to get a
development environment setup and general information about how to


Next, the developers contributing to Hadoop are very busy people who are
often doing work in their free time.  SO general questions like: ³How can
I contribute?² are difficult for them to answer every time they come up.

Once you have a development environment setup and you can successfully
compile/run tests (this is not a small feat) you have a couple of routes
to take for contributing:

1.  Contribute code you have written that enhances the software in someway
that is useful to you, i.e. ³scratching an itch².

2.  Look for unassigned issues in JIRA (issues.apache.org/jira/).  In the
Hadoop projects good started JIRAs are often labeled ³newbie² or
³newbie++².  These may be a good place to look at contributing code.

3.  You can help the projects by writing documentation on the wiki, or
responding to questions on the mailing lists (personally, I enjoy doing
this where I can). 

I hope these suggestions will help you find someways in which you can
contribute to the Hadoop ecosystem.  Keep in mind that writing
documentation and helping others can be as beneficial to the community as
writing code. 



Rich Haase | Sr. Software Engineer | Pandora
m 303.887.1146 | rha...@pandora.com

On 12/15/14, 10:30 AM, "prem vishnoi" <vishnoip...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I want to work on hadoop live project for 2 hr every day
>please help me
>Warms Regards,
>Prema Vishnoi
>³Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value²
>On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Raghavendra Vaidya <
>raghavendra.vai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  [image: Boxbe] <https://www.boxbe.com/overview> This message is
>> for Automatic Cleanup! (raghavendra.vai...@gmail.com) Add cleanup rule
>> | More info
>> Folks,
>> I want to contribute to Hadoop ... I have downloaded the hadoop source
>> set up the same on Intellij on Mac ...
>> I would like to start by executing / writing unit test cases ... could
>> one point me to some resources to how to do that ?
>> Regards
>> Raghavendra Vaidya

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