Good to know. It's certainly easier to set up an alternate location in any case and then do a wholesale migration. It saves from having that "under construction" look before it's complete.

I'll get on the appropriate infra@ list and ask about recommendations.


On 7/26/16 10:49 PM, Andrew Wang wrote:
Hi Ray, if you're going to do a wiki cleanup, fair warning that I filed
this INFRA JIRA about the wiki being terribly slow, and they closed it as

So if you'd actually like to undertake a wiki cleanup, we should also
consider migrating the content to a wiki that isn't terribly slow.

I think is better, but maybe we should ask infra what the
preferred option is here. They might be able to help with a content
migration too.

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Ray Chiang <> wrote:

Coming in late to an old thread.

I was looking around at the Hadoop documentation ( and and I'd sum up the current state of the
documentation as follows:

1. is pretty clearly full of technical information.
My only minor nit here is that the wiki pointer and the Git pointer
    at the top is really tiny.
2. is simultaneously targeted to at least four audiences
     1. Industry Users (broadest sense of Big Data Industry)
     2. Industry Developers (mostly those adding a layer like Hive does
        to MapReduce)
     3. Hadoop Users (those who just want to set up a small cluster)
     4. Hadoop Developers (e.g. using MapReduce APIs)
     5. Hadoop Internal Developers (eventual contributors)

I'd like to initiate some cleanup of the wiki, but before I even start,
I'd like to see if anyone has constructive suggestions or other approaches
that would make this transition smoother.

1. Some sections, like Industry Users and Industry Developers is
    growing so fast, I'm not sure whether it's worth maintaining in any
    meaningful format. I'd be inclined to make suggestions on where to
    start and let Google take them forward from there.
2. Organize the developer section based on the pieces a new reader
    wants to learn (new to everything, new to Hadoop, all the tools for
    Hadoop development, "just check out code and go", etc).
3. Organize the Users section a bit more.  The "Setting up a Hadoop
    Cluster" is grouped well, but I'd perhaps rearrange the ordering a bit.


On 7/14/16 3:49 PM, Andrew Wang wrote:

I think we should try to keep ownership over the #hadoop channel (do we
have ownership?) but make it clear on the website and in the channel
greeting that this is for user-on-user discussion, and it's not actively
monitored by developers.

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 3:37 PM, Akira AJISAKA <>

I'm not using the IRC channel (#hadoop at
I'm using slack ( instead.


On 7/14/16 14:48, Ravi Prakash wrote:

I've never gone there either. +1 for retiring.
On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 11:34 PM, J. Rottinghuis <>

Uhm, there is an IRC channel?!?


On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Sangjin Lee <> wrote:

I seldom check out IRC (as my experience was the same). I'm OK with

retiring it if no committers are around.

On a related note, I know Tsuyoshi set up a slack channel for the
committers. Even that one is pretty idle. :) Should we use it more
If that starts to gain traction, we could set up a more open room for

as well.

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 9:13 AM, Karthik Kambatla <

Recently, Andrew Wang and I were at an academic conference where one

attendees (a grad student) was mentioning that his posts to the IRC
are never answered.
Personally, I haven't been using the IRC channel. Neither do I know

who is actively monitoring it.
I am emailing to check:

     1. Are there folks actively monitoring the IRC channel and
     2. If there is no one, should we consider retiring the channel?


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