On 15 Nov 2017, at 09:37, Junping Du 
<j...@hortonworks.com<mailto:j...@hortonworks.com>> wrote:

2. From recent classpath isolation work, I was surprised to find out that many 
of our downstream projects (HBase, Tez, etc.) are still consuming many 
non-public, server side APIs of Hadoop, not saying the projects/products 
outside of hadoop ecosystem. Our API compatibility test does not (and should 
not) cover these cases and situations. We can claim that new major release 
shouldn't be responsible for these private API changes. But given the 
possibility of breaking existing applications in some way, users could be very 
hesitated to migrate to 3.x release if there is no safe solution to roll back.

The problem here is that it has historically been impossible to write a yarn 
app without using APIs marked as private. I'll cite UGI as an example, bit if 
you look at the distributed shell example, it's happy calliing things like 
NMClientAsyncImpl. We lack the moral high ground to tell other projects off

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