Hi All,

To continue a faster cadence of releases to accommodate more features,

we could plan a Hadoop 3.2 release around August end.

To start the process sooner, and to establish a timeline, I propose

to target Hadoop 3.2.0 release by August end 2018. (About 1.5 months from

I would also would like to take this opportunity to come up with a detailed

- Feature freeze date : all features should be merged by August 10, 2018.

- Code freeze date : blockers/critical only, no improvements and non

bug-fixes August 24, 2018.

- Release date: August 31, 2018

I have tried to come up with a list of features on my radar which could be

for a 3.2 release:

- YARN-3409, Node Attributes support. (Owner: Naganarasimha/Sunil)

- YARN-8135, Hadoop Submarine project for DeepLearning workloads in YARN
(Owner: Wangda Tan)

- YARN Native Service / Docker feature hardening and stabilization works in

There are several other HDFS features want to be released with 3.2 as well,
I am quoting few here:

- HDFS-10285 Storage Policy Satisfier (Owner: Uma/Rakesh)

- Improvements to HDFS-12615 Router-based HDFS federation

Please let me know if I missed any features targeted to 3.2 per this

timeline. I would like to volunteer myself as release manager of 3.2.0

Please let me know if you have any suggestions.


Sunil Govindan

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