On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Morgan Delagrange wrote:

> > Leading to:
> >
> > Test: TestObject, TestSerialization, ... ???
> I'm not _positive_ what you mean here.  I think you're implying that there
> be a "Test" component where all these tests live.  I'm not sure that's a
> good idea; I think it's best if they be companion classes to each component,
> _perhaps_ packaged in the same jar as the component itself.

Sorry, it was a bit cryptic :) It was mainly just an idea, but a
subsequent email from you about being worried about interdependency did
make me think it might not be that bad. That way thigns would only be
dependent on the Test component, which I've taken to be a component full
of generic objects used in testing. However that gets bad when those test
components start to have dependencies back on to other projects.

ie) TestJspSession which is dependent on having the servlet jar, and
Collections is dependent on Test, and thus on servlet jar. So I can see
that that is bad. Although, something Lance said recently leads me to
think we could set the Test component up so that it always compiles, it's
just assumed that if they want to have the Test.Servlet components
compiling then they'll need to have the Servlet package (and thus
servlet.jar) checked out and built?

> Actually, I think the names below, which I drew from the current Collections
> test classes, are slightly misleading.  I think there should be a
> "TestObject" test case, which tests the methods of Object.  For most other
> tasks, we probably want a library of custom asserts, rather than actual test
> cases.  That seems to be the only reasonable course, since interfaces can be
> combined in any number of ways.

Could it maybe be a common set of assertions?

ie) TestEquality rather than TestObject.
        tests iterator by running it a few times and using TestEquality?
        adds and removes lots
        put delete clear isEmpty etc.
        check the Map extension has handled entrySet properly.

Or maybe it would jsut be:


I have a feeling I'm playing catch up and reaching your conclusion the
long way :)

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