> (3) Should the Producer/Consumer framework submitted be 
> retrofitted into the current [codec] Encoder/Decoder 
> framework? Personally, I like the specificity of "Encoder" 
> and "Decoder" for interfaces. This means the current i/f 
> would be expanded.

I'm not terribly attached to Producer and Consumer but couldn't
think of a better alternative.  Perhaps Source and Sink but
they may be no better.

I'm not keen on Encoder and Decoder because I don't believe
there's a need to make the distinction between the two, plus I
might have to rewrite some code ;-)
Both encoders and decoders are processing data, it is the algorithm
that decides if it is encoding or decoding.  In some cases the
words encode and decode may not make sense.  If you're modifying
line endings on a file are you encoding or decoding?

Producer and Consumer relate to different things.  Base64Encode
for example implements ByteProducer and ByteConsumer by way of
the ByteEngine interface because it consumes byte data and
produces byte data.  OutputStreamConsumer only implements
ByteConsumer because it consumes byte data but sends the data
to a location outside the scope of the library (ie. OutputStream).

> (4) The other way around: should the current [codec] be 
> recast in the proposed Produced/Consumer f/w. I am not wild 
> about the genericity of "Producer" and "Consumer" as names.
> (5) I am assuming that two f/w's in [codec] are undesirable. 
> It would be good to agree or disagree on this previous 
> statement as a starter! ;-)

There are obviously advantages to having a single unified
framework and if possible it would be the ideal result.
Unfortunately I have run into performance disadvantages so far.
I haven't tried it for a while but in the past my base 64
conversion has not been as fast as the existing codec
implementation for small conversions.
For common algorithms such as base 64 it may make sense to have
two implementations optimised for different purposes.
In addition, I'm not familiar with language codecs but you
mentioned it makes no sense to use these in streams.

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