
(i didn't really intend this to slow down the momentum)

- robert

On Sat, 2005-10-22 at 14:01 +0100, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-10-20 at 08:14 -0400, James Carman wrote:
> > > i think that the proposal could be improved. it's usually used as the
> > > basis of the introduction paragraph for the component. a good proposal
> > > is a powerful weapon against featuritus and scope drift. so, it's
> > > important for the long term health of a project. 
> > 
> > > "The package shall create and maintain a suite of utility classes for
> > > creating proxy objects" seems just a little short. it seems to me that
> > > proxy is more like a minimal core of bridging API's for constructing
> > > proxy's (with minimal dependencies) supported by a number of optional
> > > implementations. 
> > 
> > That's just the first sentence of the proposals "Scope of the Package"
> > section.  Here's the whole paragraph:
> > 
> > The package shall create and maintain a suite of utility classes for
> > creating proxy objects written in the Java language to be distributed under
> > the ASF license. The package will include many different "object provider"
> > implementations.  The package will also serve as a repository for many
> > useful interceptor implementations. The package will provide multiple "proxy
> > factory" implementations, supporting different proxying technologies (JDK
> > proxies, CGLIB, and Javassist).
> IMHO that sounds more a like a description than a definition.
> good scopes are tough but it's best to be declarative rather than
> descriptive. the main use of the scope is to be able to know when a
> particular bit of functionality is in-scope and when it'd be better to
> create a new individual library. 
> the problem with descriptive scopes is that if they are taken literally
> then new work is almost always out-of-scope. 
> thinking about the scope can really help a component discover it's
> mission. for example, discussing the scope for math really helped to
> define it's niche in the code ecology. 
> this is an opertunity you only get once :) 
> > The Commons Collections PROPOSAL.html file has this in its "Scope of the
> > Package" section:
> > 
> > "The package will create and maintain a set of collections and related
> > classes designed to be compatible with the Java Collections Framework, and
> > to be distributed under the ASF license."
> > 
> > I tried to model proxy's documents after collections, since it is one of the
> > most popular commons libraries.
> unfortunately, it also has one of the worst scope statements :)
> in the past, this lack of clarity resulted in arguments about scope.
> - robert
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