Jörg Schaible wrote:
Yes, with jdbc2.0-stdext.jar commons-configuration can be compiled and
run under a JDK 1.3.

Unfortunately this jar cannot be distributed via ibiblio because of licence issues, which makes the build a bit unconvenient. But I guess I will have to update the pom to declare this dependency because
DatabaseConfiguration needs the DataSource interface. Would be a good
idea to update documentation in this respect, too.

So, where's the problem (yeah, I know Stephen's blog about "Compiling with older 
JDK")? Use 1.4 to compile it and have source/target as 1.3. For M2 you can have 
dependencies depending on the JDK version.
But as stated in his blog you have to set the bootclasspath too.

Currently (temporary) I have a similar problem in commons-vfs.
And if it is somehow possible I would like to avoid to release such a "construct". If you would like to compile such a "beast" you have to have two JDKs installed. :-(

IMHO Not that nice.


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