We need to discuss this further.
Mario Ivankovits VFS is a client of Net and he has users still on 1.3 who are complaining that Net 1.4 breaks VFS.

Jeffrey D. Brekke wrote:
I understand the issues involved with pending release of vfs and compatibility with net, but I thought we discussed during the last release or so of net that we cut a 1.2/1.3 compatible release and from that release forward we were using 1.4 stuff ( nio I believe was the issue ). So projects that wanted to use net, but required older jvm/class compatibility would use the old version.

Maybe I am mistaken though, did we just discuss this and never implement it? Just wondering about the future releases. Is there now a min or max jdk version for all commons projects?

Steve Cohen wrote:

Which is just as well. Because I have another issue. I don't understand the maven.compile.target property. Working from the net 1.4.0 tag, I change only project.properties to set maven.compile.target back to 1.2. Since there are a few places in 1.4.0 that depend on jdk 1.4, my expectation was that changing the project properties would cause the compile to break on those places. But it did not. It compiled successfully.

The jdk1.4 compiler creates a class file suitable to run under an earlier JVM, this works as long as you do not use any new api. Then you'll get the NoSuchMethod Exception.

Of course, we did use new APIs, so for the purpose I had in mind, this property is useless.

This is the reason why we should use the least possible compiler and not only the target attribute. You didnt notice if you use any new api call at compile time.

I'll have to dig out a 1.3.1 compiler then. I don't even think 1.2.x is available anymore.

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