On 12/20/05, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We need to make a decision on which way to go here...either demote
> back to sandbox/dormant or have someone step up to drive this
> component toward a release.
> I am happy to help getting the site fixed (seems we just need to add
> it to the nav, as http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/feedparser/ is
> there) and with build-related issues; but I have neither the time nor
> expertise to do much else.
> If we can get one knowledgeable and interested committer to step up
> and a few volunteers, we can resuscitate; otherwise we should think
> about moving it to dormant.
> Any volunteers?

The big one for me is to know why we'd want to have such a project.
Rome exists, it has a good license and it's getting used. There's no
reason to not develop redundant components if the itch is there, but
why work at creating the itch?


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