Looks like something like this will actually work (so inline profiles
can override distributionManagement):

   <!-- Null out inherited apache distribution repo by default -->
     <name>Dummy to avoid accidental deploys</name>
         <!-- Activate apache distribution repo -->
         <name>Apache Release Distribution Repository</name>

I checked this locally and using mvn help:effective-pom.  If I add the
above to the commons-parent, then "mvn -Prelease deploy" will work to
deploy and "mvn deploy" will fail if the version is not a snap and it
is trying to deploy to the rsynched repo.  This is a little awkward
and it requires that we maintain the rsynch url in the commons POM,
but it does protect against accidental deploys.  Any better ideas?

I have thought about adding a check to the nightly script to grep out
the version and fail the deploy if it is not a snapshot, but that does
not protect us from other "accidents."  So unless someone has a better
idea, I am inclined to make the change above to the commons-parent


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