On 8/31/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/31/06, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Looks like something like this will actually work (so inline profiles
> can override distributionManagement):

That looks great. A component can always override
<distributionManagement> if necessary, so this is still flexible.

How and where will you deploy release candidates?  This is something
that doesn't seem to happen now, but I'd like to see Commons RCs
available in a Maven 2 repository.

What about a "rc" profile that points
<distributionManagement>/<repository> to apache.snapshots?  That would
allow a release manager to go through the same process for a release
candidate, except for using -Prc instead of -Prelease.

Great idea. I will add that too if no one objects / proposes a better
setup than using profiles like this.


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