Martin Cooper <martinc <at>> writes:

> > In general I don't like the need for internet access on build time.
> This is a red herring. One way or another, you're going to have to get the
> jars from the network, whether it's getting them from SVN, or having Maven
> or Ant retrieve them. And in all of those three cases, once you have them on
> your local machine, you don't need the network to build the next time.

There is one big difference: With everything in the src jar or at least in the
svn checkout your requirements are less sophisticated than with the build
system. For src jar I only need a browser, for svn checkout I need a svn client,
but for Ant and Maven I need additionally Java and the build environment itself.
And this is a big difference if the machine with internet access is not your
local machine.

(I speak from experience. In my company I get access to the internet only via a
terminal server. There is no build environment. For proposed changes in the
build I need to download all dependencies by hand.)


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