Hi Hen,

Henri Yandell wrote:

> Here's the 3rd release candidate for Lang 2.3:
> http://people.apache.org/~bayard/commons-lang/commons-lang-2.3-rc3/
> Clirr, Jardiff + Site included.
> [ ] +1
> [ ] -1
> Difference from RC2 is that the sources and javadoc jars now have
> LICENSE/NOTICE files and the test for LANG-312 is commented out as
> it's still an open bug (and fails on some platforms).
> The pom.xml is NOT in the src bundle, because I forgot and I don't
> want to do all that again :) I'll make that change in svn now so it'll
> be in a future RC if one happens.

+1 from me

Regarding the POM we should think about it anyway. IMHO we either deliver
project.xml for M1 or pom.xml for M2 but not both. Especially since we
wanted to switch the groupId with M2 IIRC.

- Jörg

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