On 5/16/07, Torsten Curdt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As we talked about on how to do release on at commons I am wondering
if these profiles really make sense:
           <name>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</name>

Briefly, in no particular order...

Stage each release in a separate repository, such as
people.a.o/builds/commons/[project name]/${version}/m2-staging-repository

There is a utility for promoting staged releases to the rsynced repo.
(Actually for merging one repository into another, including the

The latest release of the gpg plugin will prompt for a passphrase if
one is not supplied.

Signing the release distributions... The gpg plugin will sign them if
you deploy them to the repository (attached assemblies).  There's a
bit of renaming and copying to do that I haven't figured out how to
automate yet.  Then you have to decide if you want the distributions
in the Maven repo.


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