> On 26 Sep 2016, at 21:00, Benjamin Eshun <benjamin.es...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 8:52 AM, Alan Barrett <alan.barr...@afrinic.net> 
> wrote:
> Yes, it’s true that a committee of 5 members cannot include a representative 
> from all 6 sub-regions.  I don’t see that as a problem.
> I see alot of problems with the practical implementation this. 
> 1. My first problem is which region is to be left out and what happens when 
> the more than one person come from a particular region.

Of the five voting members on the GC, two are appointed by the Board, and three 
are elected by the AFRINIC Membership.  The two appointed by the Board must 
come from two different sub-regions.  The three elected by the membership must 
come from three different sub-regions.   However, nothing in the charter 
prevents the same region from being represented both within the Board-appointed 
and the Membership-elected subsets of the GC.  The regional requirements in the 
charter are to ensure that a single region can never dominate the votes.

> 2.  Will the Board appoint it's members for/from a particular region and 
> leave the other regions to the community.  In this case which regions will 
> the rest of the community nominate GC members and which will be done first.

If the Board appoints somebody from a particular sub-region, that does not 
prevent the Membership from electing another person from the same sub-region, 
or vice versa.

Does it matter which is first?  I expect that the Board would listen to advice 
about that.

> 3.  What selection mechanism will be used to  guarantee the regional 
> diversity.    

NomCom is asking for nominations from all 6 sub-regions.  The voting process 
has not been finalised, but what I suggested to NomCom was:

1. The candidate with the most votes is elected for a three-year term;
2. All other candidates from the same sub-region are eliminated;
3. The remaining candidate with the next highest number of votes is elected for 
a two-year term;
4. All other candidates from the same sub-region are eliminated;
5. The remaining candidate with the next highest number of votes is elected for 
a one-year term;

This will guarantee that the three Membership-elected members of the GC come 
from three different sub-regions.

In the future, assuming nothing unusual happens, one candidate will need to be 
elected every year for a three-year term.

Alan Barrett

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