Well done Eddy and the team at AFRINIC for a job well accomplished 


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> On 15 Feb 2022, at 18:04, Dewole Ajao <dew...@tinitop.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the update which you seem to be celebrating (if I read you 
> correctly). For those like me who are legalese-challenged, does this mean 
> that Cloud Innovation's resources are now effectively revoked? If I remember 
> correctly, all of this started with a notice that resources were to be 
> revoked at a certain date on the basis of non-compliance with the RSA, right?
>> On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 3:53 PM AFRINIC Communication <co...@afrinic.net> 
>> wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> I am pleased to share with you the ruling delivered yesterday, 14 February 
>> 2022, in the appeal case ref Cloud Innovation Ltd vs African Network 
>> Information Centre (AfriNIC) Ltd. 
>> https://afrinic.net/ast/case9-judgement.pdf 
>> This case was filed in response to a letter that AFRINIC sent to Cloud 
>> Innovation Ltd dated 10 March 2021 pursuant to the provisions of the 
>> Registration Service Agreement (RSA) whereby AFRINIC contended that Cloud 
>> Innovation Ltd was, and continues to be, in breach of the RSA.
>> This appeal stems from Cloud Innovation Ltd’s application for Interim 
>> Injunction, which was initially granted in its favour on 29 March 2021, but 
>> then set aside by the Honourable Judge in Chambers on 07 July 2021. Cloud 
>> Innovation Ltd had appealed against that judgement, and the hearing took 
>> place on 27 January 2022.
>> To put it simply, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Mauritius 
>> has, after having considered the arguments from both sides, dismissed the 
>> appeal. In other words, AFRINIC has won this appeal.
>> No doubt, this is an essential milestone for AFRINIC, and we wish to thank 
>> the team and our stakeholders for their continued support. 
>> Kind Regards,
>> Eddy Kayihura,
>> Chief Executive Officer,
>> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
>> c...@afrinic.net
>> ……………………………………………………………………………..
>> Chers collègues,
>> J'ai le plaisir de vous faire part de ce jugement rendu hier, 14 février 
>> 2022, dans l'affaire en appel réf Cloud Innovation Ltd vs African Network 
>> Information Centre (AfriNIC) Ltd.
>> https://afrinic.net/ast/case9-judgement.pdf
>> Cette affaire a été déposée en réponse à un courrier qu’AFRINIC a envoyé à 
>> Cloud Innovation Ltd en date du 10 mars 2021 conformément aux dispositions 
>> du Registration Service Agreement (RSA), dans lequel l'AFRINIC soutenait que 
>> Cloud Innovation Ltd était, et continue d'être, en infraction avec le RSA.
>> Cet appel découle de la demande d'injonction provisoire de Cloud Innovation 
>> Ltd, qui a été initialement accordée en sa faveur le 29 mars 2021, mais 
>> ensuite annulée par l'honorable juge en chambre le 7 juillet 2021. Cloud 
>> Innovation Ltd a fait appel de ce jugement, et l'audience a eu lieu le 27 
>> janvier 2022.
>> En bref, la division d'appel de la Cour suprême de Maurice a, après avoir 
>> examiné les arguments des deux parties, rejeté l'appel. En d'autres termes, 
>> AFRINIC a gagné cet appel.
>> Il s'agit sans aucun doute d'une étape essentielle pour l'AFRINIC, et nous 
>> souhaitons remercier l'équipe et nos parties prenantes pour leur soutien 
>> continu.
>> Cordialement
>> Eddy Kayihura,
>> Directeur général,
>> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
>> c...@afrinic.net
>> …………………………………………………………………………………………..
>> زملائي الأعزاء،
>> يسعدني أن أشارككم الحكم الصادر بالأمس ، 14 فبراير 2022 ، في قضية الاستئناف 
>> المرجع Cloud Innovation Ltd vs African Network Information Center (AfriNIC) 
>> Ltd. https://afrinic.net/ast/case9-judgement.pdf
>> تم رفع هذه القضية ردًا على خطاب أرسلته AFRINIC إلى Cloud Innovation Limited 
>> بتاريخ 10 مارس 2021 وفقًا لأحكام اتفاقية خدمة التسجيل (RSA) حيث أكدت AFRINIC 
>> أن Cloud Innovation Ltd كانت ولا تزال تنتهك RSA.
>> ينبع هذا الاستئناف من طلب Cloud Innovation Limited للأمر المؤقت ، والذي تم 
>> منحه في البداية لصالحها في 29 مارس 2021 ، ولكن بعد ذلك ألغاه القاضي الموقر 
>> في الدوائر في 07 يوليو 2021. استأنفت Cloud Innovation Limited ضد هذا الحكم ، 
>> و عُقدت جلسة الاستماع في 27 يناير 2022.
>> وببساطة ، فإن دائرة الاستئناف في المحكمة العليا لموريشيوس ، بعد أن نظرت في 
>> الحجج المقدمة من كلا الجانبين ، رفضت الاستئناف. بعبارة أخرى ، حازت AFRINIC 
>> على هذا النداء.
>> لا شك أن هذا يعد معلمًا أساسيًا لـ AFRINIC ، ونود أن نشكر الفريق وأصحاب 
>> المصلحة لدينا على دعمهم المستمر.
>> أطيب التحيات،
>> إيدي كاييهورا ،
>> الرئيس التنفيذى،
>> المركز الأفريقي لمعلومات الشبكة (AFRINIC)
>> c...@afrinic.net
>> ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
>> Caros Colegas,
>> Tenho o prazer de partilhar convosco a decisão proferida ontem, 14 de 
>> Fevereiro de 2022, no processo de recurso ref Cloud Innovation Ltd contra 
>> African Network Information Centre (AfriNIC) Ltd.
>> https://afrinic.net/ast/case9-judgement.pdf
>> Este caso foi arquivado em resposta a uma carta que a AFRINIC enviou à Cloud 
>> Innovation Ltd com data de 10 de Março de 2021, em conformidade com as 
>> disposições do Acordo de Serviço de Registo (RSA) em que a AFRINIC alegava 
>> que a Cloud Innovation Ltd estava, e continua a estar, em violação da RSA.
>> Este recurso decorre do pedido de injunção provisória da Cloud Innovation 
>> Ltd, que foi inicialmente concedido a seu favor a 29 de Março de 2021, mas 
>> depois anulado pelo Meritíssimo Juiz das Câmaras a 07 de Julho de 2021. A 
>> Cloud Innovation Ltd tinha recorrido dessa sentença, e a audiência teve 
>> lugar a 27 de Janeiro de 2022.
>> Para simplificar, a Divisão de Apelação do Supremo Tribunal das Maurícias, 
>> após ter considerado os argumentos de ambas as partes, indeferiu o recurso. 
>> Por outras palavras, a AFRINIC ganhou este recurso.
>> Sem dúvida, este é um marco essencial para a AFRINIC, e gostaríamos de 
>> agradecer à equipa e às nossas partes interessadas o seu apoio continuado.
>> Cumprimentos,
>> Eddy Kayihura,
>> Chefe do Executivo,
>> Centro de Informação da Rede Africana (AFRINIC)
>> c...@afrinic.net
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