Martin van den Bemt wrote:
See inline ;)


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project id="myproject">

   <site url="";

   <vcs type="subversion"

   <bugtrack url=""/>

             mail="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
             subscribe="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
             unsubscribe="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

                <archive name="one" url="http://etc1"/>
                <archive name="two" url="http://etc2"/>



   <description abstract="My project is about this.">
     This is about my project in detail.

        <goal>It will do this.</goal>
        <goal>It will do that.</goal>

-- end here --

       This project started because...

Nice for the project page itself.


   <vendor>Apache Software Foundation -</vendor>

   <licence legal="./legal">
             This software is released under the
             Apache Public License 1.1.

Also vendor + license seems a bit obvious, or am I missing something (I
assume incubator projects will adopt APL immidiately).

I intend to make this descriptor of more general use than in Apache only.

       <credit>This software includes software developed by...</credit>

Also nice for the project page, not for a quick overview.

Maybe it is a communication problem, so let me know if my assumption is
wrong :

We are talking about generating a centralized page (= not on the project
webpage)  with the project information specified above, so that people that
want a quick look what's out there or want to quickly find where mailinglist
of project X is, can go to ?


If the answer to above is yes : cool and from a maven perspective the above
is what can be offered, based on the maven project.xml, and I can write a
maven plugin to generate that xml.
If you had something different in mind, please explain ;)

What you propose is simply a subset of what I envision.

With the above descriptor, we can create both a centralized page with the summaries for all projects *and* project summary pages.

Actually, I also started with the status.xml format also, to be able for all to see what's going on easily in every project, in a *centralized* way, regardless to which build-documentation system is used.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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