* Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

> I would like to propose the creation of such a virtual host so that all
> apache homepages will be hosted at
>   http://community.apache.org/~name
> and
>   http://www.apache.org/~name
>   http://cvs.apache.org/~name
> are automatically redirected there.

hmm, I personally use my home directory (at cvs.apache.org) for work 
(not-yet-committed examples, big patches for review etc.). This isn't very 
good content for community.apache.org - IMHO.

So I'm -1 for automatic redirects.

>   1) short bio
>   2) picture (possibly funny)
>   3) sound file with the person pronouncing their name (so hopefully
> people will stop mispronouncing names! like mine, for example!)
>   4) interests and projects currently worked on.
> It doesn't matter how you come up with that page/pages as long as it's
> reasonably valid HTML.


> Please place your vote.

Perhaps I'm only overlooked some postings or I'm not reading the 
appropriate lists... But I think "fact -> vote" is not a very good way to 
introduce things. I'd like some more discussion. (again, if I'm missing 
something, please give me hint and/or a pointer)

print "Just Another Perl Hacker";

# André Malo, <http://www.perlig.de/> #

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