On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

> Greg Stein wrote (technical details omitted):
> > *if* we migrate to SubWiki or some other Wiki, then we can get the
> > data out of UseModWiki.
> Sounds like your approach follows the truism that in the worst case any open
> source code that can read its own data can be instrumented to become its own
> migration tool.
> What would you guess is the relative effort to preserve the history?  I'm
> just wondering if the history value at the cut-over point will be worth the
> incremental effort, unless you want to do it anyway as a proof-of-concept
> for similar migrations.

If SubWiki is used any time soon, dumping the history seems reasonable.  
Finally, my chance to rewrite history .... ;)

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