On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Costin Manolache wrote:

> Are we now going to have similar "oversight" over the mailing lists and
> archives ? If someone posts a pointer to warez or porn on one of the lists
> - are we going to have to remove it from archives ?

We have, in my opinion, sufficient oversight on the mailing list already:

->      Mailing list are clearly assigned to specific commiter groups
        or pmcs; who is responsible is clear.

->      Most, if not all, of the committers and PMC members are
        subscribed to the mailing list and are clearly reading
        their mail.

->      We have moderation in place, and developer lists generally have
        clear and well defined scopes which are visibly policed.

->      We see active policing of totally off topic data.

This is quite in contrast to the -current- wiki site; where we lack clear
mapping of sections to PMC's or commiter groups, where we have yet no
clear indication that any and all changes are actively followed by the
majority of the committers in that section and no clear scoping.


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