On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

> > Collaboration does happen, now.  It's not a future waiting to happen.
> > Is there something that's not happening that specifically needs to be
> > looked at?
> That's the irony.  As far as I can see, most of the build processes could
> converge around Ant and Maven.  It isn't hard to see how the domains served
> by Gump and Centipede could be subsumed by Ant and Maven, given the
> additional development that you've told me is already happening.  The
> thought behind my earlier question about the PMC, which initiated this
> spiral, was that having Ant and Maven under a PMC would help that effort.

I tried to stay out of this discussion. 

The points that I care about is where Maven tries to set a standard 
that will affect the other build tools. The repository is one example,
the descriptors is the other. 

If the apache community can reach an agreement on base standards - 
with the participation of all projects and people who are involved or 
care about the build process - then we're fine. And it is even better
if we have multiple tools to support the repo and descriptors and try 
to make the build process easy.

I am worried that Maven will use agressive propaganda and the ASF brand
to compete against Ant. All I've seen so far suggest that. And I think 
that would be bad. However - agressive propaganda has a tendency to 
backfire, and smart people usually see beyond it.
I'm talking about all the "landslide move", "all others are crap", 
"convert all your projects to maven", the removal of ant build files in
projects to force people to use maven, attacks to persons who are 
involved with competing projects, etc ( I know that people learned that
some of those tactics don't work well - and I'm sure I'll see more )  

One problem may be that this kind of propaganda may hurt the 
ASF brand and all projects involved - competition on "easy to use"
or features or speed is good in itself. 


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