> >     No BSD code can compete with Proprietary code based on BSD code.
> >
> > As it is BSD and then some. And therefore better. In reality this does not
> > playout that well (due to maintenance, integration and other biz./reality
> > costs) But once you have to explain that - you've lost the oneline
> > argument/debate. And the above sticks terribly well with people who are
> > not that familiar with actual software engineering processes.
> >
> True. But still a wrong oneliner. We can debunk it with another
> oneliner/simplification:
> Is Netscape 7 more popular than Mozilla?
> I don't think so. Most of the times, community evolution will prevent
> Propietary+BSD/Apache/Mozilla code keeping pace. There are windows of
> opportunity, but they close fast.

Or 'Should I get this motercycle from the shop on the corner (for free)
or I should buy this motercycle from the guy in the garage next door.'
Lets buy it from the guy next door - because he has 'modified' it so it
must be better.

Honest gov.

> Much like when a Spanish writer in last century could read English and
> imitated the works of a true original English novelist (or the other way
> round, no cultural preference expressed). It is matter of time and
> communication until people notices something going wrong and go for the
> original. And we are getting plenty of communication those days :-)

> Still, translation of works does add value (I mean here for software
> vertical markets or different environments), as do illustrated editions,
> commented works, etc. for literary works.

> For all these kinds of "mob/darwinistic software"[1], GPL licenses get
> on the way, forcing you to think and take care about how the software
> could be used in the future, while Apache, BSD or Artistic licenses make
> the hacker-painter-writer[2] wholy free (not like in free beer, but like
> in free thinking). ;-)

Right - but at the same time; the analogy with a writer makes me think of
a carpenter; should the nail he hammers in at your house be 'owned' by him
from there on. Should I just license his service and that thing he did.

Just because software is easier to replicate than a nail hammer in does
not make it that special as to warrant special rules for 'my baby, my
precious'. Especially if the carpenter/programmer can turn out another
utility just like the previous one by writing it again.


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