On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, Greg Stein wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 07:42:12PM -0700, Costin Manolache wrote:
> >...
> > Dot net is actually doing almost the same mistake as java (AFAIK)- they 
> > support other languages, but only syntactically ( like java does with the 
> > languages that generate java bytecode ). AFAIK you can't integrate 
> > unmodified python or perl with .net code.
> Sure you can. I wrote a compiler for Python in 1998 or 1999 (forget which)
> that compiled Python down to MSFT's CLI. Mark Hammond and I worked on that
> together, altho it was mostly me getting the framework set up, and Mark
> running to the goal with it. I believe the Python.Net (and Perl.Net) stuff
> is available from MSFT and/or ActiveState now.
> Have no doubt tho... it compiled any Python code to the CLI. The obvious
> problem was dealing with Python extension modules. Not much could be done
> about that. But pure Python? Or the standard Python library modules? You
> bet.

My point was .NET makes exactly the same mistake as java, by "integrating" 
python by compiling it to .net bytecodes ( what you describe ) and making 
it "fit" the .net. Just like Jython does in java. 

Check http://grunge.cs.tu-berlin.de/~tolk/vmlanguages.html for a list of 
languages that work on top of java. 

The only difference between .NET and java ( in this area) is that .NET 
advertise this pseudo-integration as real integration , while Java 
marketing tries to paint is as "unpure" and bad. 

As you point out, dealing with _existing_ Python modules and codebase is 
the interesting part - that's the _real_ integration. 


> [ for the Python stuff, we compiled direct to the CLI; I think the Perl
>   stuff took the approach of writing C# code, then compiling that ]
> Cheers,
> -g
> -- 
> Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/
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