on 7/11/03 6:07 AM Thom May wrote:

> Why the obsession with email?

push vs. pull

example: we are having this conversation and the information I'm sending
its pushed into your mailbox. I could post this information on a weblog
and then point you to it, but, in my experience, the chance that you
will read it is much lower.

another reason is asynchronicity. if I push it in your mailboxes, you
carry it with you. maybe on a train, as it was already noted. Sure, you
can download stuff from the web and carry it with you but it *requires*
effort from your part. Again, the chance that you will do it is much lower.

This is what I would like to see:

 1) the ASF publishes a newsletter (following the very nice style used
in the recent Jakarta one) that covers all the ASF endevours. Including
infrastructure, licensing, security, incubation and all the
non-so-project stuff.

 2) the newsletter is sent to announce@apache.org

 3) the newsletter is then archived on www.apache.org/newsletter/[date]

What do you think?


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