If we want an apache blog aggregator that is clearly NOT apache.org, the apacheblogs.* domains are still available and the [foo]blogs.[com|org|net] naming convention for aggregators is pretty common.


On Jan 8, 2004, at 11:24 AM, Ben Hyde wrote:


Krell already scraps the rss feed urls if any appears in the resource the committer points to via committers: urls.txt; it looks for an link tag like this one:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="http://enthusiasm.cozy.org//index.rdf"; />

use lib ('./lib');
use Community;
my $community = Community->load("tmp/locations.cdb");
for $person ( values %$community ) { print $person->{uid}, " ", $persion->{rss}, "\n" }

 - ben

ps. Additional fun is standing by via tags like this:
<link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="FOAF" href="http://www.cozy.org/ben/foaf.rdf"/>

pps. Note that committer privacy is left up to them, if they reveal something in the url they give krell then krell will reveal it to others.

On Jan 8, 2004, at 9:46 AM, Santiago Gala wrote:

Hash: SHA1

El jueves, 8 ener, 2004, a las 11:49 Europe/Madrid, Thom May escribió:

On 8 Jan 2004, at 7:21, Ted Leung wrote:

Many other open source projects, including Debian, the Linux Kernel developers, and Mono, are aggregating the RSS feeds of their blogging contributors and putting them up on a web site. This is something that would be good for the ASF to do as well, as all we have now is the wiki page (http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?ApachePeopleBlogs) I'm willing to find out if there is software being used so that we don't have to reinvent the wheel. I'm willing to maintain it and happy to have help if others are interested. Infrastructure folks, do you see any problems?
I was also thinking about doing that. The software that Planet Debian http://people.debian.org/~keybuk/planet/ and Planet Gnome http://planet.gnome.org/ are using is a massively hacked up version of spycroll.
I'll ask Scott or Jeff for the source they're using if other people think this is good idea?

And don't forget that krell (krell subdirectory in the commmitters cvs module) is already doing some inference about what people is publishing RSS in the address listed in cvs:committers:urls.txt, which looks like a good way to (self)maintain the listings.

FOAF, though, looks like a better framework for publishing this kind of info. I'm willing also to look around the issues, and I know (more or less) the krell module.



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