On 31.07.2005 23:07:49 robert burrell donkin wrote:
> IIRC when the legal-discuss mailing list was first created, the idea of
> a legal FAQ for committers was floated preferably written by someone
> with legal training. AFAIK this hasn't happened yet.

Sadly, yes.

> i agree with danny
> (http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/jakarta-general/200507.mbox/%
> 3e) that it's better to have content that can be corrected than no legal
> FAQ at all.

I agree.

> there have been a number of discussions recently involving legal issues

Replace "recently" with "constantly". :-(

> (for example
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-general/200507.mbox/%
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and i think that
> this is something the foundation is going to need. i'd be willing to
> help write up content for such a FAQ.
> opinions?

As it happens, I suggested more or less the same on the board@ mailing
list on Sunday. I suggested it as a task of our V.P., Legal Affairs.
Whatever the approach, I'd be happy if we can finally build that
legal/license FAQ. The most important thing is to communicate the
(reviewed) results to everyone, especially to all the PMCs, so everyone
and every project is on the same level.

I'll try to find time to help you with the FAQ and I hope we get some
additional help. The FAQ page is already linked to [1], but it's just
not there, yet. Another important point IMO is to add information on the
need for a CLA on the "introduction for contributors" page.

[1] http://www.apache.org/dev/ (Look for "License FAQ")

Jeremias Maerki

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