Inspired by the ApacheCon and a discussion during the closing talks on maintaining a virtual map of the world using devices carried by humans, I wish to propose a project at Apache that does that and more. I would like to seek out interested people who would like to work on mapping software at the ASF.

The projects that interest me are,

1. A map server that shows the location of people at the Apache conference. This is for people who wish to remain accessible to others. This idea bothers some people. But as with any ASF project security and privacy are very important.

2. I wrote a portlet application for Jetspeed 2 which uses the MapServer project. This could be separated out as a generic portlet map server.

3. I would like to do a community driven social experiment as a way of gathering global data.

4. A generic Java map server project. I would like to build some better tools for authoring and publishing online maps.

5. Torsten Curdt spoke to me about his ideas of blogging by geographic location. Essentially all blogs are tagged with a location based on IP address.

6. I discussed a mapping project with Chris Schaefer. There is some live data being published by the california highway authority about traffic. It is text and html and lacks a mapping server so it is rather difficult to visualize the information.

7. Google is obviously leading the way in mapping technology. I would like to see an apache project that provides similar quality services. I am learning where my web traffic comes from using Google analytics. But they don't provide interactive maps.

Please contact me if anyone is interested. Obviously the incubator is where this project will start but building the community is the first step. Happy holidays everyone!

Philip Donaghy
Skype: philipmarkdonaghy
Office: +33 5 56 60 88 02
Mobile: +33 6 20 83 22 62

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