On 12/24/05, Colm MacCarthaigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 24, 2005 at 11:33:24AM -0800, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> > and note: we already have scripts that transform some of the ASF data
> > into RDF already.
> >
> > As for an 'apache mapping' project, I think you *seriously*
> > underestimate the amount of resources required to run such a service.

I realize that the putting this sort of a thing in production would be
a tremendous effort. We can build the infrastructure software and let
others try to deploy it, which is more of a long term goal. There are
many oss projects out there that have mapping software ready to
distribute under an Apache license. Most notably the MapServer project
which is a simplified BSD license. And if the GPL 3 becomes compatible
with the Apache there is much more out there. So this would be more of
an integration project with Apache filling in the gaps and producing a
data storage solution with authoring clients, mobile clients that
connect to GPS and cell phone devices. I would compare this project
with Geronimo, which is roughly 50 percent external projects.
MapTools.org is doing a javascript api like googles. Check out ka-map

> +1!
> > There are two "tile servers" available to the public: one is run my
> > Microsoft (part of terraserver, *not* virtualearth), one is run by NASA
> > (as part of the infrastructure that powers WorldWind).
> As it happens, I run the server than handles an awful lot (I'm not sure
> what proportion) of the NASA imagery and have many many terabytes of it,
> in many many millions of files. So if anyone wants good access to this
> material, it's not entirely outside the bounds of possibility, we could
> make it happen.


> > I would personally very much like apache to host the software that
> > clones the javascript part of google maps in an open source way, but
> > running the tile server is going to require massive amount of technical
> > infrastructure.
> >
> > A much better idea is to partner with NASA and Coral
> >
> >  http://coralcdn.org/
> I don't think Coral is quite up to it, just yet, but the network of
> mirrors might be. That's the approach that WorldWind is using already.
> The sizes of the datasets are somewhat onerous though, and a very large
> proportion of the work is non-software, which kind of calls into
> question whether a Software Foundation is the right place to do such
> a thing.
> --
> Colm MacCárthaigh                        Public Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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