Building a community for a small project is indeed hard work.

Are there any other projects in the ASF that benefit from your
existence? That is are there any projects that depend on your code?

If there is then you might consider approaching those project
communities and indicating that you are having problems getting
releases out. Invite people from that PMC to join your own PMC so that
they can do IP reviews on our releases and continue to use the code.

If there are no direct dependencies are there any projects in a
related space? You might find people willing to help out with IP

As Luciano says having regular releases is important to building
community. Therefore I suggest your first point of focus should be on
ensuring you have people willing and able to help you get releases
out. After that you can start focussing on attracting new


On 13 May 2013 15:56, Luciano Resende <> wrote:
> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Lewis John Mcgibbney
> <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Recently over at Apache Any23 we've been working towards a release, however
>> we discovered that apart from around 3 or so project committers there is an
>> apparent lack of enthusiasm from within the community to VOTE and for us to
>> obtain quorum to release/make decisions.
> 3 active PMC votes is what you need to get a release out.
>> For clarity I've rolled back the release candidate and wanted to try and
>> iron out some community issues, however I wanted some opinions from you guys
>> before I can form my own opinion of where I want to see the project going.
> These discussions should really happen on the project dev list, and
> should be a community decision...
>> For me the attic is the last resort. As this week has progressed, and people
>> have started to chime in on the discussion over on dev@any23, I think that
>> we will most likely not go to the attic.
>> I am personally now recognizing that we have a small number of community
>> members who enjoy developing the software as "it works", and in all honesty
>> I am fine with that. I actually have the same user and dev requirements.
>> Can anyone please provide me with examples/experiences of projects which
>> have "struggled" to stay afloat, but have continued to push releases? I do
>> not have experience of this and I am very keen to learn.
> Wink is a small community, where some members really come to play to
> help get releases out. Having said that, we have a good number of
> users that benefit from releasing often.
>> Thank you very much for reading.
>> Lewis
>> --
>> Lewis
> --
> Luciano Resende
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