Serg wrote:

> Last night I have compiled in my VCXO calibration values into
> citrine/L1/cust0/l1_rf12.h and used fcfam load agent to do x-ram boot.

Please remember that neither Citrine's build system nor that of
Magnetite tracks header file dependencies, so if you edit a header
file (as opposed to a directly compiled C module file) and rerun make
in an already-compiled tree, it may not pick up your change - you may
need to do at least a partial make clean in the area of change.  In
the case of your change in Citrine, did you do a make clean at least
in L1/cust0?

> Still no joy locking on a network.

Can you post your complete rvinterf session log?  If you send me your
ssh public key and your preferred username, I'll make you a user
account on and you'll have a www-exported member
directory through which you can post files.

> rf_table afcparams
> [numbers]

Your numbers look good to me, they are in the same range of per-unit
variation as observed on Openmoko-made GTA02 units.

> Mychaela, could you share your fwimage.bin? Just would like to make sure
> that I run known good build, free of config errors.

Das Signal wrote:

> A possible suggestion, consider trying the cell_log application:
> Mychaela has reported success in sending a RACH and receiving an
> IMMASS with the TA.

Yes, that is correct.  I also tried their full mobile application and
was able to send and receive SMS, and some voice calls too - the latter
have always been unreliable for me with OsmocomBB software, even on
pre-existing Calypso hardware.  During that weekend in April when I
was preparing boards to ship to Serg and to Harald Welte, I tested all
8 boards, and for the RF test I used OsmocomBB as that was before I
developed the manual calibration procedure for the VCXO.

The point is that the board which I sent to Serg *was* tested on my
end with OsmocomBB's mobile application, and it successfully connected
to my local cell of Operator 310260 (T-Mobile USA).

Later I developed that manual VCXO calibration procedure and performed
it on my S/N 001 board (after Serg's and HW's boards already shipped
out), and I am now able to connect to the same T-Mobile network with
FC Magnetite (l1reconst config) from my S/N 001 board.  I have not
tried FC Citrine yet, nor the TCS2/TCS3 hybrid config of Magnetite.

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