On 1/27/07, David Schlesinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
More importantly (and very relevantly to this list) you can't compete for
consumers on a basis of "Not as good, but _more free_." If completely open
phones are going to achieve any sort of dominance, then the same kind of
work will have to go into project to support the capabilities that consumers

Exactly - the one bonus that OpenMoko receives, in addition to the
number of developers, is that we're not tied to any Corporate
restrictions in design, contract or politically restricted technology
- new software features 'saved up' for the next marketing phase.

More likely, this will prompt other phone manufacturers to try to find ways
to compete with the iPhone in as reasonable a time as possible. Some of
those ways will likely be based on Linux, and will likely wind up being a
mix of proprietary and open source software, but the net outcome will be
that there will be a larger amount of more capable open source software
available in the product space, and more open source software being used in
more devices like the NEO.

In evolutionary terms, this is a favourable environment for open vs
closed software models. All free software written on open or
selectively open hardware platforms, strengthens free software.


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