Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
Milan Votava writes:
You are all going to become slaves of capitalists (Sean on behalf of FIC).

Better to support guys from (like cr2) to make machines like HTC Universal a real free phones....

Better to work on a machine in spite of the manufacturer rather than
with the manufacturer?  I don't follow.  The day FIC wants me to sign
an NDA or claims ownership of my code, I'll agree with the "slaves of
capitalists" comment.  I don't see any prospect of that happening.

im guessing its something like: better to have a device out there in the hands of people that you can free, then a device with high hopes that never shows up in many hands. or whatever...

to me it sounds like a donkey chasing a carrot on a stick. the stick will always be just out of reach.

unlike the PC market, where commodity parts are everywhere, and if you dont like what dell, HP and other sell preassembled you can do your own, the mobile market is about locked down devices that, after its made, cant change no matter what.

hell, my guess is that by the time is done, HTC have a new and better device out that people will flock to. one that the xda firmware cant work on, or at best will have some nasty flaws. and so the cycle starts again.

at best one is squeezing a couple of extra years out of a obsolete device.

but the neo seems to be designed from day one to be made from virtually of the shelf parts. FIC is just the hired factory (like how apple do for their stuff or microsoft does for the xbox's), they hold no copyright or patent on the neo iirc. so if FIC comes up short, one can take the parts and find some other factory willing to have a go at it.

until we get home assembly kits for mobiles, thats the second best option.

hell, it got a usb port that can run in host mode. can someone point me to a windows smartphone that have a similar option? it means that with the right drivers one can plug virtually any usb device into the neo and have it work. sounds to me like it can be molded into doing a lot of things. maybe if one could get it to charge of a solar cell it can act as a mobile modem for usb connected sensor ecquipment or similar.

but in the end i dont care what hardware it runs on as long as it has a code core thats open to anyone to modify after their liking.

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