On 11 Aug 2007, at 19:54, Steven ** wrote:

Quoth the article:
However, Moss-Pultz said he is confident that the extreme openness of the OpenMoko platform will attract developers and that the developers' applications will attract users. "Initially, it'll be for savvy users and people who have used open-source products like Firefox," he said. "But I think we're just six months away from being mainstream. When you allow the user to put exactly what they want on the device, you exponentially increase the device's value. I'm confident we can do it."

6 months? That's a good sign that they aren't expecting too much of a delay for GTA02!

Typical Gartner response in that interview. Who are these industry analysts anyway? they just seem to state the obvious. Smartphones aren't mainstream, aren't they like 25% of the market maximum? You need to be over 50% to be even considered mainstream.

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