Shawn Rutledge wrote:
On 9/1/07, Raphael Jacquot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Shawn Rutledge wrote:

Is there any technical info available about this chip?

Is there an X driver for it, or one in progress?

depending on the timeframe, perhaps FIC could contact or help the
opengraphics people with their project, the goal of which is to create a
graphics controller asic that would be used for embedded systems.
Using the opengraphics asic in the openmoko platform would be, IMNSHO
the proper thing to do

Or maybe use an FPGA so we can design our own hardware-accelerated
graphics functions, and it can double for some other purposes too.
OpenGraphics is starting that way (spartan 3 if memory serves).  They
are cheap.  Not sure if they are low-power enough to use in a phone.

FPGAs of equivalent size are _NOT_ cheap, or low power.
I'd guess the SMedia chip is $20 or so.
Now, go and look for a low power FPGA with the thick end of a megabyte of embedded RAM, and many thousand gates. It'll be at least $100, maybe $200.

FPGAs are almost always the most expensive, highest power way to do things, if proper custom silicon is a possibility. (volumes of >>1K, comparable processes)

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