I think there is a place for both Openmoko and Qtopia. Useful features and possibly even entire applications can be cloned/ported back and forth between the platforms. Artwork, sounds, etc can easily be shared.

There is even place for more options to discuss.

E.g. Objective-C + GNUstep + X11.

A very similar technology (called iPhone...) has created a lot of hype recently because it is said to provide the best UI experience in mobile phones.

Can we please end this back and forth C vs. C++, Qt vs. Gtk, X11 vs no-X11, Openmoko vs Qtopia. I think most of us have seen plenty of these debates over the years and nothing constructive ever comes of them.

But I agree that these dicsussion are not constructive - since there is no need for a community consensus. Everybody must decide him/ herself which platform best fits the needs. The community can only provide pros and cons.

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