On Jan 30, 2008, at 11:32 AM, Jeremiah Flerchinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

the serverless instant messenger http://retroshare.sf.net (Qt gui)
will have soon as well VOIP and VIDEO Chat, and this is quite good for openmoko, as this is an encrypted one,
so you are safe, that no third party is hearing your Voips.

> (http://gizmoproject.com/learnmore-nokia800.html).

Other options are http://ekiga.org/ and http://www.openwengo.org/. They both do SIP. I know about Ekiga because it ships with Ubuntu, and it's
completely open source.  I don't know that much about OpenWengo.

Ekiga is just a client package and doesn't contain a server component, like asterisk. There is also linPhone (http://www.linphone.org/ ), which is built with GTK and has core/gui seperation. That might be nice for direct integration into the OpenMoko GUI and for people who don't want to run an entire asterisk server on their phone.

Yes, agreed. I ported asterisk as a proof of concept and to help me understand the build process.

Besides, you cannot run asterisk with sip and/or iax and an sip/iax client (udp bind port....)

-brandon kruse.
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