If it helps any, using the March 4th daily build, my Neo registers just fine on both my TMobile and AT&T SIM's and both receive SMS messages and can place phone calls.

Mind you, I can connect to TMobile from within my apartment to make/receive a phone call and receive SMS messages. Inserting my AT&T SIM, I connected enough to download SMS messages, but to make a phone call I had to go outside where I have better AT&T reception. Must be the layout of the building where I live.


Michael Shiloh wrote:

As most of you know, there was a bug in earlier GSM firmware on Neo 1973 which prevented certain AT&T 3G SIM cards from working in the Neo 1973.

As most of you know, the upgraded GSM firmware that fixed this problem could only be installed by an employee of Openmoko.

I peformed this upgrade for perhaps a couple dozen of you.

After I upgraded the firmware on your phones I tested them with my personal AT&T SIM card, and they always worked fine.

Starting a few months ago my AT&T SIM card no longer works in upgraded Neos.

We're trying to get to the bottom of this. Meanwhile, a useful point of information would be your experience:

For those of you for whom I performed the GSM firmware upgrade, did the Neo 1973 work properly with your AT&T SIM card after the upgrade? Most of you wrote me when you received the phones to indicate that it did. Does it continue to do so? If not, when did this start happening? What are the symptoms?

For the larger community, do any of you have insight into cellphone tower technology? Has AT&T performed an update in the past few months?

Is it possible that AT&T has modified its policy towards unlocked phones?

These are all extreme notions - it is far more likely that something trivial and local has occurred. Perhaps I've forgotten to do something (although I've reviewed my steps in excrutiating detail with the folks back home) during the upgrade process. But since I'm completely out of ideas, I'm reaching to the less plausible.

Any ideas welcome, including crackpot ideas. To paraphrase Sherlock Holmes, when you have removed the possibility of all other causes, the one remaining explanation, no matter how implausible, must be the one.


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