I'll go for resolution over pretty graphics any day of the week. 
A day to day example of this is that I don't run compiz on my desktop
machines because it runs faster that way. I'm a function over form kinda
guy. (For the record, the distro is Ubuntu, not slackware, or gentoo, or
anything that uses rpm's)

I don't watch videos on my ipod or my nokia phone, even though I
technically *can*. What I'm really looking forward to is being able to
open up an ssh session from my phone, and do *stuff* from it, regardless
of where I am.

That said, after I get my hands on the Freerunner, I may have a
different opinion. 


On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 08:56 +0800, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Jun 2008 18:58:15 +0200 "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller" <[EMAIL 
> babbled:
> > > we could just not ever even ask you guys and you get what you are  
> > > given. too
> > > bad. no input at all. i've opened up the floor for input - but i'm  
> > > trying to
> > > dig specific things out of it - not things that smell of"i just want  
> > > higher
> > > specs". or keeping up with the joneses. i want real use case  
> > > scenarios that
> > > make real sense. :)
> > 
> > This discussion starts to become quite boring. Isn't a single  
> > potential customer who says
> > "I want it and I am willing to pay for it" enough? There have been  
> > several here on this list,
> > if I remember correctly who expressed exactly that.
> no. it is absolutely not enough. why? i am asked by product management to do
> things that are just not possible in vga (to do sanely/fast). they come first.
> you users come second. in the end if product management want X they get X. and
> if for X to happen we go QVGA, then so be it. you guys lose. i need a very 
> very
> very strong argument against going to qvga - and that means product management
> need to drop a feature.
> > BTW: a use case doesn't say anything about required quality. It  
> > describes a sequence of interactions
> > (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_case). Sorry, but I can't disclaim  
> > my academic history :)
> i asked for use case because i am not just talking quality. i am talking a 
> case
> where vga makes something possible at all or not. where something just 
> wouldn't
> be usable or possible without vga. that is what i asked. i want a use case for
> vga. not just a "it looks a bit nicer".
> > Nikolaus
> > 
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