
Di didn't say that decisions must to be taken in democratic way. I said 
only that OM can, from time to time, and only when he need, to open a 
votation on:

We must to do something how you prefer?

1. In way A
2. In way B
3. I don't matter
4. In way A and in way B

Than, in the end, OM is not forced to do how it was votated. Is only to 
know the opinion of the people.
The same thing like when it was for speaker jacket.
In every case it is only an idea.

Brad Midgley wrote:
> Michele
>> Do you want feature X or feature Y?
> you might need a table representing the cost and business feasibility
> of each feature. We've seen a lot more transparency on the 3g decision
> recently which reveals it to be more complicated than people thought.

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