According to Italian/European Union law:

1) the customer can return the package within 14 days from the receipt of the 
good bought on-line. No matter if it's perfectly working or if it is DOA. This 
is not yet a warranty, it applies to goods that were bought by corrispondence 
or on-line where the customer cannot check the good on the spot. Actually, I 
don't know to which extent this applies to goods bought on-line outside from 
Italy, this likely depends on bi-lateral agreements between countries.

2) if, within 6 months from the purchase, the good shows malfunctions, it is 
automatically presumed that the good was already defective. The reseller must 
reimburse, repair or substitute the good. Note that this responsibility is on 
the *reseller*, not on the producer, in case they are different.

3) if, within 2 years from the purchase, the good shows malfunctions, then it 
is up to the customer to prove that the good was already defective and that the 
malfunction isn't the result of wearing or improper usage. Again, if the good 
is actually defective, the reseller must reimburse, repair or substitute the 

After 2 years have passed the legal warranty expires. The producer/reseller can 
optionally offer a longer or enhanced "commercial" warranty (3 years or more, 
24hrs substitution, etc), but this does not replace the minimum legal warranty.

EU directives talk about "conformity". A defect is found whenever the device 
fails to conform:
- to existing norms and laws that are applicable to the device ("900MHz EM 
radiation from antenna must not be greater than X"...). Failing to comply to 
norms/legislation may even result in the product being retired from the market.
- to what has been declared by the producer ("SD and GPS work well together", 
"It can make phone calls", "It can receive SMS"...)

See also: 


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di steve
Inviato: lunedì 4 agosto 2008 23.50
A: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'List for Openmoko community discussion'
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Michael Shiloh'
Oggetto: RE: Third request: what *is* the warranty on the Freerunner?

The warrenty on our web shop is 14 days for DOA.

GSM problems could be related to the age of your SIM. So we suggest updated
any old SIMS.
Micheal can help.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Morris
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 1:43 PM
To: List for Openmoko community discussion
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Michael Shiloh
Subject: Re: Third request: what *is* the warranty on the Freerunner?

ian douglas wrote:
> Guys,
> My intention was not to create a message thread for people to vent 
> about what they like or not about the Freerunner. I created the thread 
> to get an official stance from Openmoko about the state of the 
> warranty, and if it would cover any hardware fix offered by OM for the
GPS/SD problems.

And a good thread it was too :)

I am also very curious about the potential GSM fixes. Will these be done by
sending it back, or will it be something us hackers can do (and soldering
sub-micron capacitors to invisible traces I do not consider your average
hacker can do, and I have been playing with a soldering iron for 35 years,
and I would not attempt it :)

The GSM problems particularly worry me, because it does make the phone
useless as a phone and I need to know if I need to go buy another phone as a
primary phone or not. Whereas problems with GPS & SDCARDS are not show
stoppers for me.

If it worked fine with a BT headset I could also use it happily. (Of course
if we discover a fatal H/W flaw that prevents even BT headsets from working
that is also a show stopper for me)

So please OM head honchos, get together and please give us a definitive
statement as to what the after sales support will be for any serious
Hardware issues discovered after shipping.


Jim Morris,

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