El día Saturday, September 06, 2008 a las 03:24:10AM -0700, Katrin Tomanek 

> Hi,
> I can't manage to connect to a WPA-encrypted WLAN with my FR. I read all the
> wiki-stuff, googled for it and checked most of the mailing list threads --
> but all this didn't help. Hope you guys can give me a hint...
> So, I use the following (simple) wpa_supplicant.conf:
> ------- snip -------
> ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
> eapol_version=1
> ap_scan=1
> network={
>       ssid="red"
>       psk=8fa68651275b12accb0982db01cfd78cfb6f4a5d6d3b9a31735ce8aad2271be7
> }
> -- snap ---

try it with inserting as well

> It works perfectly on my laptop (Ubuntu, Hardy Heron).
> However, on my FR authentification doesn't work. 
> I also checked the debugging output of the wpa_supplicant. As I am not
> familiar with wpa_supplicant its hard for me to interpret. But I saw that my
> ssid got blacklisted (and after several tries got removed from the blacklist
> again) -- maybe this is normal. If necessary, I might also send the
> debugging output (however, as it's rather longish I skip it for the moment).

if you send me your debugging output off-list, I will have a look;


Matthias Apitz
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