Le jeudi 09 octobre 2008 à 09:10 -0700, Michael Shiloh a écrit :
> Xavier Bestel wrote:
> > I always use the manual iwconfig+udhcpc method. It works most of the
> > time right after reboot, but often looses the network after a few
> > minutes (sometimes it works for hals an hour). After that, redoing the
> > iwconfig sometimes works, sometimes not and another reboot is in order.
> Very interesting. Do you kill udhcpc in between invokations? I think 
> it's a daemon.

Yes (in fact I tried both ways).

> Of course the real issue is why in looses the connection. I presume you 
> have suspend disabled?


> Have you tried a different channel? One of my neighbors is on a close 
> channel and things got better when I changed my AP to an unused channel. 
> iwlist is a great help here.

I didn't try that, but every other wifi device had no problem so far.
Changing the channel on the other end is a bit tricky.

> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Neo_FreeRunner_Wifi#Disable_power_management 
> suggests that power management caused problems. You might try this too.

I tried that long ago, thought I found the magic bullet at first, but
nowadays it seems it doesn nothing.

> Please let us know what works and what doesn't. Better yet add it to the 
> wiki.


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