On Wednesday 22 October 2008 22:36:51 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> How exactly does it "not work"? Are you extracting the data out of the
> struct with the ">>" operators as described in
> http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qdbusargument.html ?

Thank you very much,

I didn't notice the Class qdbusargument and got it working the following way:

QDBusMessage PositionReply;
PositionReply = GPSPositionInterface->call("GetPosition");
QList<QVariant> ReplyData;

But now I want to read the Satellite information and there I have to use  
qdbusargument, so thank you for that hint.

By the way I'm writing a complete class to read all GPS Infos and I will make 
it public on the wiki when it's done.

All the best

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