Last android image/kernel from Sean
(http://people.openmoko.org/sean_mcneil/ ) indeed resolved the page
flipping problem. (screen refreshes "flashing", especially with
dialogs and combo box)
Thanks Sean !

- Bluetooth is also working now (well I could not really test yet, but
at least now it correctly scans available bluetooth devices).

- Still no luck with wifi ("unable to scan for networks").

- I could not have GPS working.
I tried with GPSTracker, but it keeps asking for GPS activation, which
I had done in Android settings.
(note that GPSTracker requires a key from its website, and since I had
no keyboard to enter it, I did the settings on the emulator then copy
GPSTracker setting files directly into my SD card )

- I tried the demo game  "Fishocopter". It works... but it uses "back"
button to control the game (so it is "Aux" button on Neo), and I found
no way to exit the game, since Aux button did not anymore end
Is there a way to kill such an application ? Power button only allowed
me to shutdown....

(to install applications, since I could not have abd working, I
directly copy .apk files into my SD card under   mmcblk0p2/app/ )

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