I tried the version Sean published yesterday (without video codecs,
but broken and not available anymore). And I put back the missing lib
preventing it to start.

- GPS seems might be ok now.
GPSTracker does not complain anymore and tries to locate me... but I
am in a building and I could not get a fix yet.

- Wifi scanning still fails, but with another error : before it
complained about /data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0 , now it is :

D/WifiHW  (  618): Unable to open connection to supplicant on
"/data/misc/wifi/sockets/eth0": No such file or directory
V/WifiStateTracker(  618): Connection to supplicant lost
D/SettingsWifiEnabler(  844): Received wifi state changed from
Disabled to Enabling
D/SettingsWifiEnabler(  844): Received wifi state changed from
Enabling to Enabled
E/SettingsWifiLayer(  844): Unable to scan for networks

- I am also trying to have gprs/mms working, but still no luck. Though
I have to try different settings since I am not really sure about what
I have to put for my provider (SFR, france). And without keyboard, I
reboot each time in another distro to change settings :-p
I put APN settings directly in
/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/telephony.db .
Or I can also put them in xml : system/etc/apns-conf.xml , so that
they are put into database at creation time  :
for mms I tried : (I guessed the xml syntax from source code, but I do
not know what is expected in "type" field) :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<apns version="6"
<apn carrier="SFR MMS" mcc="208" mnc="10" apn="mmssfr"
mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" mmsc="http://mms1"; type="wap" />

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