On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 4:34 PM, Andy Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FWIW I talked this over with an experienced 3D guy recently about
> something related and he was all in favour of discarding the kdrive
> implementation and making a pure xorg one as a way forward: he told that
> kdrive itself was long dead.  I also know that XGlamo is not that great
> a solution since it is largely the Linux framebuffer driver basically
> cut and pasted into userspace with the locking not being shared between
> kernel and userland.  Whatever it's replaced with ought to be glued into
> kernel Glamo framebuffer driver I think at the very least for any
> critical shared parts like locking and this modal commandqueue stuff.
> He also said the same that Glamo was ES, I think 1.1.  Since Graeme is
> going ahead with xorg generally it sounds like this is the recommended
> path to follow if at all possible.
> Lastly he mentioned 2442 has no float unit so this impacts the
> implementation, but apparently it's not a killer to used fixed in ES.

Just fair warning here.  As I don't think OM will use the Glamo in
future devices, doing the "right thing" isn't as critical as normal
software projects.  Spend the energy making the best performing, most
functional implementation possible.  If that goal's met, *then* go
back and shove it into Xorg.

H. Lally Singh
Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science
Virginia Tech

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