Sebastian Hammerl wrote:
> Soon after releasing i found a bug causes cellhunter to freeze.
> Sorry for that, the fixed version 0.4.1 is out now!

I have some problems using this app.

When I move around through the cells, I don't have an internet 
connection. So I keep auto-submit off, and I assume I can press "submit 
data" once I get a net connection?

This brings up the next problem. When "Check cellID every XX seconds" is 
on, the "submit data" button is grayed out. Why? For me, it looks like 
it is "just to make the program more difficult to use". I can turn data 
collection off and submit an empty dataset, or I can collect data 
without being able to submit it?

After much experimentation, I found that turning "check cell ID" off,
the "submit data" button becomes active again. But does it actually do 
what I think it do? Will it submit all the data I have collected in the 

Some visual feedback would be nice. The display already show the cell I 
am in, the neighbours, and current position. It'd be nice to have 
something like this also:

Collected data

                      Cells | Neighbours | gps fixes
   Not yet submitted:   5        20          47
submitted to server:   1         4           1

In this case, I have started the program while connected to the net, and 
immediately submitted the cell at home. Then I have moved through 5 
other cells that I have not yet submitted. If I then get a net 
connection and hit "submit", I'd expect the display to change into:
Collected data

                      Cells | Neighbours | gps fixes
   Not yet submitted:   0         0          0
submitted to server:   6        24          48
The new data has now been sent and added to the
running total. And there is no new information yet.

If possible, it'd also be nice to see how much of the data is new. I.e. 
when talking to the server, get feedback about which cells weren't known 
Collected data

                      Cells | Neighbours | gps fixes
   Not yet submitted:   0         0          0
submitted to server:   6        24          48
new to the server:     2         7
So, 6 cells submitted but only two were new.

Helge Hafting

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