Forgot to tell:

"submit data" is only for the visible data the check returns the last time.

its a bit complicated right now i know. when i get the time i make it

i always wait for a gps fix with checking check cellid manually and then
push: offline mode, auto submit, auto check

Sebastian Hammerl schrieb:
> Hi,
> the followin logic lies behind the buttons:
> check cellid: gets the cell and gps data
> submit data: when in online mode, the displayed data will be
> submitted, when in offline mode the data will be saved
> auto check cellid: "push" check cellid every x seconds
> auto submit data: upload directly after checking. like auto push
> submit button after auto pushing check button
> offline mode toggles where the data gets. on disk or directly to the
> server.
> so if you want collect offline every 10 seconds you have to push:
> offline mode, auto submit, auto check
> then it begins to save the data every 10 seconds on the disk i think
> that is what you want. in offline mode the serverstatus will display 
> "offline" when in online mode it will be something like:
> "new;430;57;357;4563;16504" that is your currents stats.
> new is the type of the last submitted main cell (not the neighbour cells)
> 430 is your count of new_gps cells
> 57 is new cells
> 357 is old_newgps cells
> 4563 is old_oldgps cells
> 16504 are your points
> i hope this helps you.
> Helge Hafting schrieb:
>> Sebastian Hammerl wrote:
>>> Soon after releasing i found a bug causes cellhunter to freeze.
>>> Sorry for that, the fixed version 0.4.1 is out now!
>> I have some problems using this app.
>> When I move around through the cells, I don't have an internet 
>> connection. So I keep auto-submit off, and I assume I can press "submit 
>> data" once I get a net connection?
>> This brings up the next problem. When "Check cellID every XX seconds" is 
>> on, the "submit data" button is grayed out. Why? For me, it looks like 
>> it is "just to make the program more difficult to use". I can turn data 
>> collection off and submit an empty dataset, or I can collect data 
>> without being able to submit it?
>> After much experimentation, I found that turning "check cell ID" off,
>> the "submit data" button becomes active again. But does it actually do 
>> what I think it do? Will it submit all the data I have collected in the 
>> meantime?
>> Some visual feedback would be nice. The display already show the cell I 
>> am in, the neighbours, and current position. It'd be nice to have 
>> something like this also:
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> Collected data
>>                       Cells | Neighbours | gps fixes
>>    Not yet submitted:   5        20          47
>> submitted to server:   1         4           1
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> In this case, I have started the program while connected to the net, and 
>> immediately submitted the cell at home. Then I have moved through 5 
>> other cells that I have not yet submitted. If I then get a net 
>> connection and hit "submit", I'd expect the display to change into:
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> Collected data
>>                       Cells | Neighbours | gps fixes
>>    Not yet submitted:   0         0          0
>> submitted to server:   6        24          48
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> The new data has now been sent and added to the
>> running total. And there is no new information yet.
>> If possible, it'd also be nice to see how much of the data is new. I.e. 
>> when talking to the server, get feedback about which cells weren't known 
>> already:
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> Collected data
>>                       Cells | Neighbours | gps fixes
>>    Not yet submitted:   0         0          0
>> submitted to server:   6        24          48
>> new to the server:     2         7
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> So, 6 cells submitted but only two were new.
>> Helge Hafting
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